Friday, February 5, 2010

Papal Week

This week here can officially be called a "Papal Week". I saw the Pope two times within 24 hours. That's pretty great.

My first papal encounter was Tuesday night at around 5.30. I had tickets with a couple of friends to attend Vespers--Evening Prayer--at S. Peter's with the Pope. If you have never been to St. Peter's, let me simply say that the architecture of the Church, and the layout of it inside is phenomenal. The baldacchino is the the most amazing structure over an altar I have ever seen. It's so impressive. Moreover, given the obvious sacredness of the space, it is as if the many statues in the church are inviting you to pray. It was awesome. I cannot quite explain it, but I did feel as if even the stone, that is, the building itself, was a part of the Church's invitation to pray, to partake in the sacraments, and so grow in grace toward God.

S. Peter's was packed. It was especially cool because Benedict XVI set this day as a renewal for the religious: consequently, there were so many priests and religious there! I have never seen so many habits before. It was awesome! I absolutely loved seeing such a great number of religious men and women present. May God continue to bless His Church with vocations.

Anyway, as we were sitting there waiting for the Liturgy to begin, I, in a matter of seconds received chills all up and down my body. All of the sudden, the S. Peter's was lit up beautifully: it was as if the ceiling of the grand basilica was Heaven itself. The domes, the statues, the baldacchino, the air of the space between: this place was fit for prayer, for lifting up one's heart in adoration of the God of Love. I was, once again, in awe at such a display of liturgical preparation. My heart was beating with anticipation and joy as I began to join in with the Latin song.

To make the night even greater. The whole Liturgy was celebrated in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharistic Host. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was the direction of our eyes, prayer, and voice.

Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto!

The next day, the Rome Center gave us all tickets for a Papal Audience. This was quite the experience. Not as prayerful as the night before, but still a wonderful honor. It was so impressive and inspiring to see the many pilgrims from around the world sing and clap for the Pope. I was touched to see his spirit of thankfulness and humility.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I am taking a day trip to Pisa and hopefully Lucca! Weekend after: Carnivale in Venice baby!

1 comment:

  1. hey tommy that sounds truly amazing! wow! so happy you were so touched. Next time tell the pope i said hi! :) I know you --you will meet him before you come home--i am sure of it! Hope your book is doing well and you have been working on it. Have a wonderful trip this weekend. have fun and be safe. much love to you--miss hearing your voice, but you look great-thanks to catherine who is posting pics daily! lol :) love you bro
