Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Love Rome

No matter how many times I say it, I can't say it enough: I Love Rome.

Today, for my Art in Rome class, we went to the Trevi Fountain (freaking awesome), the Church of San Ignazio (incredible art work), the Church of Il Gesu (beautifully done), and Santa Maria Sopra Minerva (one of my favorites in Rome). That's what I call a good day.

Also, I have been posted as a "Guest Contributor" at Caritas et Veritas. My newest article was on Baptism and Death.

This weekend, I am going to the Amalfi Coast, and will see Capri, Sorrento, and Pompeii. Italy is just full of opportunities. I am getting sad that my trips are coming to an end and that my time in Rome is shortening. I could have easily stayed here for at least a couple of more months. Looking forward to coming back sooner than later! But, I still have one more month to makes lots of memories, some you people will probably never know about. Hahaha. Love you all.

Pax et bonum!