Just wanted to let you all know that yesterday was the Holy Father's anniversary. Remember to say a prayer for him. In 2006, he said, on his anniversary: "On this, the anniversary of my election as the Successor of Saint Peter, I thank the Lord for his unfailing help, and I express my gratitude to all those who have supported me by their prayers. I ask you to continue praying that, by God's grace, I may always be a gentle and firm Shepherd for Christ's flock." (General Audience, April 19th).
Pope Benedict XVI is under attack. The Church is under attack. Christians are under attack. But, again and again, may we continue to show, amidst the trenches of evil, secularism, and materialism, that we are about relationship and love. That on the last day, we will still rise up and proclaim with open arms "Christ is King".
Benedict, before he was Pope, wrote once that God cannot suffer, but He can suffer with. I think he nailed it: God has a heart, and He is intimately close to all of us. Especially by the Incarnation, He has made a gratuitous promise: He is with us, forever and always.
In this day of the Media's consistent dismissal of the Catholic Church, let us stand strong. And, on this day, be inspired by the Successor of Peter, who has proven himself against affliction that he is firm and gentle. And more: wise, charitable, compassionate, and honorable.
Yet, always, he points to Christ, Him who is the New Adam, Him who is the way, who is our strength and guide. Him whom we look to in order to share a glimpse, in His sonship, of the Divine Being.
Jesus Christ, guide us into the arms of Your Father, and by the Spirit You send upon us, strengthen us for this battle, but not that we may take up arms, but that we may open our arms and spread to all the corners of the earth the fire of God's Love.
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