Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Assisi + Norcia

So I realize that I have not yet written a post about my adventure to Assisi and then Norcia with the wonderful Catherine. 

Assisi, once again, proved to be mystical and amazing. I was in awe all over again. The small city is simply fascinating.

When we arrived, we went to the Basilica di S. Francesco. There, I looked for Fr. Noel, a friend of a Franciscan priest at SLU. I saw a friar walking by me, and I turned to Catherine: "He kind of looks American...I wonder if its him?" She said, "Just ask!" So I did, and sure enough, it was him. We caught him just in time to give us an awesome, private tour of all three levels of the Basilica. He explained to us the many different frescoes, detailing their symbolism and meanings. I saw the Basilica in a whole new light, and I loved it even more. So beautiful.

He then showed us the friary where he lives. It was sweet. Very tranquil, peaceful--such a setting for prayer, conversation, fellowship; it was, indeed, a great place for a spiritual way of life. He took us up to a balcony that over looked the land of the Umbria region. Walking outside, I could not believe my eyes. Catherine, after a few seconds, even experienced a couple of tears fall from her eyes. We said simultaneously: "This is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen". It is no wonder that Francis had such a deep love for creation, had such a keen, and even divine, insight into the importance of creation, that God saves us through creation, that the Incarnation is God, in the flesh, entering into and therefore recapitulating the history of creation. I will always remember what I saw. Standing and staring, I was actually flying, soaring through the sky: ascending to God through a sense of wander and awe.

The following morning, Fr. Noel was nice enough to celebrate Mass in private with Catherine and I. It was so peaceful. We were so thankful to have that opportunity. The chapel was a small room in the friary. Very simple, yet it radiated in its simplicity. An awesome place to celebrate the descent of God, and so the ascent of man.

At Assisi, we also saw a few of the other beautiful churches, as well the Basilica di Santa Chiara. Saint Claire, during this one small trip, became one of my favorite saints. She had such a deep understanding of simplicity, poverty, and joy. In fact, Saint Francis actually suffered from depression. But always, in those time, Santa Chiara was a cure. Santa Chiara: pray for us, that we may communicate the joy of knowing Christ!

In the Basilica di Santa Chiara, there is the original San Damiano crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis: "Rebuild my Church". I loved just sitting in a pew, staring at the beautiful crucifix. It was touching to know that what I was looking into was, in a however imaginative, mystical, and spiritual setting, the voice that spoke to a holy Saint. I love Assisi!

Early in the afternoon, we set off to Norcial--the birthplace and hometown of St. Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine order. When we arrived, it turned out to be a great weekend because it was a festival weekend. Of what? Of a mushroom. Really, Italians are unbelievable. However, I dare not complain. I ate so much free samples of food. I felt like I was at home in Grandpa's kitchen again: sausage, prosciutto, mozzarella, vino! Che squisito!

We met up with some Benedictine monks and prayed Vespers with them. If you heard their voices! The Gregorian Chant was so fascinating. I was mesmerized. Why more liturgists do not enforce the official music of the Roman Church, which is simply a music for the soul's ascent--and this is clear--I do not know! My praying the Psalms was a mere listening to the voice of men who have given their lives completely to Jesus Christ through silence, meditation, and prayer. It was beyond words.

How important it is these orders of religious and contemplative men and women. Their prayers are immensely important if we want peace. How blessed we are that the Church takes seriously Paul's invitation to "pray without ceasing", and literally there does not exist a second in time when there are not bodies of men and women adoring, praying, and singing to Triune King. May their prayers encourage us to live in a holy way, spreading the Gospel, and living in the Kingdom, the Lordship, of God.

Overall, our time in Norcia was great. I had dinner and breakfast with them (they eat all their meals in silence), and we prayed Night prayer on Saturday night, as well. On Sunday, I woke up quite early for morning prayer at 6 (might I add that they wake up even earlier to pray at 4 AM), and enjoyed breakfast with them. Then, we participated in the celebration of the Mass before we departed back home to Rome.

Assisi and Norcia were both wonderful. It was a very peaceful and spiritual trip.
Sts. Francis, Claire, Benedict, and Scholastica: Pray for us!

^ View from Santa Chiara

^ The chapel where Fr. Noel celebrated Mass for Catherine and I

 ^That really pretty view. It doesn't cut it. And where we were was awesome, too. We were on an balcony supported by columns and arches.

^ The Friary: Sacro Convento

^ Norcia Festival!

Ciao San Benedetto!

^ Look at those blown up intestines... Mother, remind you of your basement back in the hometown?

^ Yum...

Coming Soon: Tunisia! (If you have facebook, my friends have tagged me in a bunch of pictures, so check it out.) 

Pax et bonum!

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